Friday 22 November 2019

Letter to the Grade Fours of 2020

Dear Grade Fours of 2020

Welcome to the senior Primary.
During the 3 years at the Senior Primary we had sports days ,swimming galas and science expos.
Sports days happen every year and we have to pick one sport or up to three sports.The grade six’s are the cheerleaders for the houses.For the swimming galas we are also in houses except we swim instead of sports.The science expo is really fun you will learn about experiments in natural science.You are allowed to work in partners for the science expo.There is prizes for first, second and third place.
We have a lot of extra classes like drama ,art ,coding, IT and PE.
I hope you enjoy the Senior Primary it truly is the best three years of school.
Good Luck for next year.

From Tatum

Monday 9 September 2019

Digital Footprint

In IT we learned about Digital Footprint online.Digital Footprints are created by what you write, do and say online and what you post,share.Your digital footprint can be on any communication platform with people.


If you post bad things online soon that is what you will be known for.If you post good things online you will be known for good things.Remember what ever you write on the internet will always be there even if you delete it someone could have already saved or copied it already or this did not happen and later it came up again.It could really trouble you.

Tuesday 16 July 2019

Email Etiquette

In IT this week and last week we learnt about Email Etiquette and how to email a teacher this is what I learnt.I learnt to write an email using the rules on how to write a good email.We did a lot of tasks one of these tasks was to write an email to your class teacher, Mr Walker about camp.

The first rule is to be polite and get to the point in your email.

The second rule is proofread and check the email before sending it.

The third rule is to sign your name and surname so people know who you are.

The fourth rule is to have a subject line so the person who you are emailing knows what you are talking about.

The fifth rule is do not use slang words in an email.

I personally got reminded to remember to put my surname at the end of an email.

Tuesday 14 May 2019

Superhero Task

We had to for a week work in pairs but since there were an odd number in the class I worked in a
group of three. My partners were Niah and Willow for this week we had to make our own unique superhero.

The first thing we did was talk to each other and share our  ideas.We agreed the colors must be black and blue for the outfit.My group and I agreed it had to be a girl who was twelve years old with disappearing powers her hair brown and the eyes brown to in her hair was a blue stripe to add to her character feature.

The next day we started to plan on paper of how our character looked like it was then when we decided the name must be Disappearing Demi. Willow drew  Disappearing Demi with the features we agreed from Monday which was yesterday when we were done with drawing the character we moved on to the comic strip for the stopmotion video that was really easy.

Then the next day my group and I started with building the character I did the legs and boots willow did the head and hair Niah did the body.
Than we started with the stopmotion when our character was finished the video took about a day we were laughing a lot because the video was so funny.

This what our superhero looked like:

Disappearing Demi

Tuesday 12 March 2019


Poetry is when you explain what you feel in a rhyme or it does not have to rhyme but it is poem.
Example of a poem that does not rhyme:

 A good Friend
There is nothing like a good friend
To tell your troubles to
Someone to open up with,
Someone to talk you through,
The highs;The lows,
The every day struggles,
Some one who knows,
Your every quirk and flaw,
Someone who understands your ways,
And loves you after all.

People write poetry to express there feelings and emotions in a nice way.
Our first activity we did was  Terminology when we had to find the meanings of words and record us saying the meaning of the words.Our second task was poetry writing where we had to make a poem of our choice I chose the Haiku poem to make it was so much fun.My third activity was Black out poetry where I had to make a poem using a page from a random book.Our third task was poetry slam where in a group we had to make a poem and perform it to two classes it was very fun.Our fourth activity was Analyzing poems.Where we had to analyzing a poem of our choice.The last task I did was Imagery it was fun to draw what we thought the poem would be like on paper in a drawing.

My favorite  activity was the poetry slam because we had to work in a team and perform.
My least favorite activity was the analyzing poetry because we had to answer questions of a poem of our choice.The most challenging was the analyzing poetry.I was nervous to perform but it was okay when we started.During the ILT I learnt i am very good at making Haiku poems.I did not learn any new words except words from the terminology task.

Image result for poems friends       

  Image result for poems friends

Monday 11 February 2019

Choose kind

A Precept is a quote or a motto that you live by.
My motto or Quote this year is the way to have a friend is to be a friend.-Hugh Black
I chose this precept because it speaks to me.It speaks to me because the precept means basically if you are being a good friend you will have a friend and if not you will not have a friend because you are not being a friend. To be a good friend is to be kind and people will start seeing that kindness and will be your friend.If you are not having friends maybe you should look at yourself and change.
If you do not think your friend  is not being a friend you should talk to them it might have a fantastic impact on their life.If you know you have not been a good friend to your friends apologize and change for the better.

Image result for children being friends 

 Image result for children being friends